Confession: I have been vicariously reliving my New York experience through these blog posts. I’m a bit sad that today is my last post on my New York trip. I bet you are excited for me to talk about other stuff though! I promise, it will be back to regular programming after this post…
Our final day in New York was hard to beat for me. We started the day in one of my favorite places in the world, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

I go to the MET every time I’m in NYC, yet I’ve still only see probably half of it – if that! This place is just massive and filled with incredible art and pieces of history. One of my favorite pieces in the entire museum is Henry VIII’s armor. I’m such a British royalty and history nerd.

We spent a good couple of hours in the MET before walking around on the Upper East Side. I’d never really explored the Upper East Side, but I think I found my new home. All I got to do is save up a couple million.
Anna Grace had heard rave reviews about this macaroon shop, Laduree, that supposedly had the best macaroons outside of Paris.

Neither of us had tasted macaroons before, so I can’t fully comment on whether they are the best outside of Paris, but they were really good – I’m just not sure if they were ‘wait in line for 30 minutes’ good. And those suckers were expensive, so it’s a good thing we liked them!
For our last night in the city, we went to see one of my favorite Broadway plays, First Date. I first saw the show with my mom back in September, and we both thought it was hilarious and charming. Best of all, I got to meet one of my favorite actors, Zachary Levi, after the show.He was so incredibly kind and genuine. To our surprise, he was actually at the bar of the restaurant that we ate at after the show. We stopped by and had like a five minute conversation about God and His plans for our lives. It was easily one of the most surreal moments of my life. I say all of this because it will come into play in just a few moments…
After the show, we waited outside to get the casts’ autographs. When Zachary Levi came by, I handed him my playbill to sign. When he looked up at me, he said, “I’ve met you before…You came back to see the show again? I’m sorry, I’m really bad with names, but I remember your face.” I’m pretty sure my jaw dropped. The fact that he actually remembered me from months ago, even when he meets hundreds of people each night, completely blew me away. I told him that the show was so good that I had to drag my friend up from Georgia to see it again.
After he signed for everyone, he let everyone line up to take pictures with him. When Anna Grace and I walked up, he said “It’s my Georgia peaches!”
And this was the night that Zachary Levi went down as being the most humble and kind celebrity ever. Scratch the celebrity part, he’s just an incredibly kind person, period.
Of course we needed to end our final night in NYC with some good pizza, so we went to one of my favorites, John’s Pizzeria.

And that, my friends, is how we are intended to eat on vacation. All in all, I had a perfect last night in NYC.
I’m so thankful that I was able to go on this trip, kind of last minute, with one of my best friends. After a lot of stress over the pasts couple of months both personally and professionally, this trip was exactly what I needed!

How will you be spending your last day of 2013? Any New Year’s Eve plans? Zac and I are keeping it low-key this year and bowling with his family.
What was your favorite memory of 2013?
I hope you have a great last day of 2013! Be safe tonight if you go out anywhere!
I’ll talk to y’all in 2014! Here’s to it being the best year yet!
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